This is absolutely gorgeous wouldn't you agree. My band kicked off the Whitaker Music Festival | Lady J Huston last night & we had a blast. I loved the big stage so I could run around & be a free as I wanted. I don't think I knew anybody in the audience & it was packed. Not too many Black folks there. I had some fun conversations with little kids. One little girl found a tiny piece of colored glass & offered it to me as a gift LOL! Another professed he really liked my music. We were billed as a Blues band which we do love but we always mix in other genres of R&B, Jazz, & Soul. The amazing band live-up included: Frank Dunbar / Arthur D. Toney / Leland Crenshaw / Lew Winer III / Bwayne Smotherson.
Photo by Altheria Johnson --- Lady J Huston
